Pacifiers, Prayers and Pies
Michaela Joy
As God gives me joy through allowing me to travel, serve others and learn life skills, I want to share that joy and the stories I learn along the way with my many friends and supporters...
Who's JoyGirl?
Hey! I’m Michaela Joy and I’m a teenager who is in love with Jesus and this incredible life He has given me! I live on California’s Central Coast and love all that I’m learning about how to be a godly woman and would love to have you join me on my learning journeys.
I’ll be posting updates on where I’ve been and where I’m headed and what I’m learning. Would you like to join my team? I have people praying for me and caring about me in big and little ways.
Here’s how you can help:
Join my email update team. That’s easy! Just fill in the boxes below, and thanks!
Join my urgent prayer team. I’ll need your cellphone number for that and will use it sparingly for urgent prayer needs. Thank you to my JoyGirlLife prayer commandos!
Buy some of my handmade cards and other items. This funds my travels!
Become one of my sponsors. I’d love to have your help in getting to Thailand and other out-of-the-way places. Thank you for your investment in me!